What is Loss of Muscle?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or degrade as a result of disuse or disease. This leads to reduced muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. Some key points about muscle loss include:


Muscle loss can be caused by lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, aging, illnesses, injuries, and medical treatments like chemotherapy or corticosteroid medications. As we get older, muscle strength naturally declines - this is called sarcopenia. Other common causes are being bedridden or immobilized in a hospital.


The main symptom is feeling weaker and noticing muscle shrinkage or "wasting." Other signs are fatigue, trips or falls, and reduced ability to do daily activities like climbing stairs or carrying groceries. Blood tests may show higher creatinine kinase and myoglobin levels.

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Health Risks

Loss of muscle raises risks of physical disability and fragility fractures from falling. It can also impair breathing if chest muscles weaken, and affect balance, mobility, and body temperature regulation. If severe, death may occur in rare cases due to respiratory failure.


Engaging in strength training and regular exercise can prevent or slow age-related muscle loss. Eating enough protein, calcium, and vitamin D also helps. Treating underlying illnesses may reverse muscle wasting. Some medications help too.


The main treatments are exercise, proper nutrition with enough protein and calories, physical therapy, and treating any underlying disease causing weakness. Sometimes, hormone therapy or electrical muscle stimulation helps. Surgery may benefit those with major muscle tears.

In summary, muscle loss describes the degeneration of skeletal muscle from disuse, malnutrition, or disease. It can severely impact strength, mobility, and health. Prevention through strength training and addressing causes is key. See a doctor at Equilibrium Hormone Clinic if experiencing significant muscle weakness to get appropriate treatment.

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